Tuesday, November 18, 2008

impressa in octavo

in octavoin quarto

A=pagina 1, 17, 33 ...
B=pagina 2, 18, 34 ...
C=pagina 3, 19, 35 ...
D=pagina 4, 20, 36 ...
E=pagina 5, 21, 37 ...
F=pagina 6, 22, 38 ...
G=pagina 7, 23, 39 ...
H=pagina 8, 24, 40 ...
I=pagina 9, 25, 41 ...
J=pagina 10, 26, 42 ...
K=pagina 11, 27, 43 ...
L=pagina 12, 28, 44 ...
M=pagina 13, 29, 45 ...
N=pagina 14, 30, 46 ...
O=pagina 15, 31, 47 ...
P=pagina 16, 32, 48 ...

A3 > A4 > A5 > A6

A=pagina 1, 9, 17 ...
D=pagina 2, 10, 18 ...
E=pagina 3, 11, 19 ...
H=pagina 4, 12, 20 ...
I=pagina 5, 13, 21 ...
L=pagina 6, 14, 22 ...
M=pagina 7, 15, 23 ...
P=pagina 8, 16, 24 ...

A3 > A4 > A5

A3 recto verso/ -

A4 / A3 recto verso

A5 / A4

A6 / A5


Hans Georg Lundahl said...

Les formats (quarto, octavo ...)

Formats (like quarto, octavo ...)

Formate wie Quarto, Octavo u s w

Hans Georg Lundahl said...


Long Stitch Binding


Hans Georg Lundahl said...

This blogpost is now available as http://o-x.fr/kx2

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

Otra methodo - autre méthode - other method - andere Methode - annan metod - alia methodus:

76 - 1
2 - 75
74 - 3
4 - 73

et c.

imprimer, fotocopiar, doblar, grapar - print, photo copy, fold, staple - imprimer, photocopier, plier, agraffer - drucken, kopiieren, falten, heften - tryck, fotocopiera, vik, hefta - imprime, copia, duplica paginas, agrapha

publicidad para La Fanzine.

Hans-Georg Lundahl said...

In quarto: 14p A4, red. A5 10p.
In octavo: 14p A4, red. A6 7p.

Hans-Georg Lundahl said...

Donc, après ceci: agrafe ou trombone dans un coin d'un tas de copies - NON.

Pince-notes dans le côté d'un tas - LIMITE.

Agrafe dans le dos d'une feuille d'imprimérie (voir dessus comment l'organiser pour une photocopieuse impression double face A3) - LIMITE: ça rouille.

Couture dans le dos d'une feulle d'imprimérie (comme définie) - IDEAL.

C'est une chose qu'on peut très bien faire artisanalement.

Hans-Georg Lundahl said...

Thus, paper clips or staplers in a corner of a bunch of print-outs: NO THANK YOU.

Bulldog clips on side of a bunch of print-outs: ON THE LIMIT.

Staplers in back of a folded printers sheet (above message serves to instruct how to organise it on A3 double sided printouts): On THE LIMIT - will rust.

Sewn on back of a folded printers sheet: IDEAL.

Hans-Georg said...

La méthode à suivre, pour francophones, étape par étape:

partie 1, http://shrt.st/2f5z

partie 2, http://shrt.st/2f60

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's an address where people can send you money. A cafe, a trusted friend, perhaps? If you get PayPal it will be much easier.

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

I link to this page from the English and French "further conditions" page parts of the message de retour + conditions d'utilisations ultérieures + régistre françis
- and both of those link to a web cite cache of the donativo page of my old MSN Group Antimodernism, and here is the link to that one:


Arabic is the one language I do misspell on the drawing of thank you's in diverse languages - but of course the page has also the account number:

Hans-Georg Lundahl

La Poste, France

Caisse National d'Epargne

Code établissement: 10011
Code guichet: 00020
N° du compte: 1022192955Z
Clé RICE: 24
Bergérac, 24





Hans Georg Lundahl said...

Now the account is in Paris, and "clé rice" may therefore be 75. Do check that, if it follows original input of first money or followes displacements of adress!