Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Sqrts · Recipes from Home and Abroad : Square Root Extraction
Here is a fairly normal procedure:

First group is 2. Nearest lower square is 1 of which the square root is 1. Write 1 in the result.
Write 1 to the left. Then write 1 under it. Multiply and write the result 1 under the 2.
To the left, you add 1 and 1 and get 2. Further right, you take 1 away from 2 and get 1.
Next to that 1, you put down the 8 from above, and then ...

2 in 18 is 9. So, one could write 9 in the result after 1.
However, this will lead to 29 * 9 =
Now, erase the 9 from everywhere, I'll skip trying with 8, and go to trying with next lower, 7.
Write 7 in result, 7 after 2 and 7 under that 7. Now multiply 27 * 7, this should land you with 189, which deducted from 189 leaves nothing, meaning 289 is the exact square of 17.
Is 27 * 7 really 189?

Seems so. So, sqrt(289)=17.
Here I show completed process for sqrt(121) = 11:

First group was 1, nearest lower square is 1 of which the square root is 1. Write 1 in result, 1 under the 1 to the left, multiply to get 1 to deduct from 1, add to get 2 to divide the 02, get 1 as result, put 1 in result, put 1 after the 2, put 1 under this 1, then multiply, 21 * 1 = 21, deduct from 021, leaves nothing.
Enjoy! A word of caution, though. I tried this on 2.00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00 ... and at about 8 decimals of the result, I got a value which did not square to 1.9999 ... plus some decimals at the end, but to 2.0000 ... plus some decimals at the end. I don't know why, generally, this should not happen, but I haven't detected my mistake, if such.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Timothy the Deacon
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