Friday, January 31, 2014

Making a table with original and translation side by side

  • Take a Latin text (or a text in whichever language you translate from, with your rights to it or with copyrights already expired, if I can add some juridical advice), insert it into a table and insert before it starts the first tr = table row which is marked valign="top" = vertical alignment so that tops are on same level, and the first td = table detail:

    <table><tr valign="top"><td>Deinde cum dicit ....


  • Divide it into sentences through insertions of following "balises" (tags, I nearly forgot translating the word):

    Non quod philosophi, ductu rationis, potuerint pervenire, per ea quae facta sunt, in cognitionem personarum quantum ad propria, quae non significant habitudinem causae ad creaturas, sed secundum appropriata. <td> & nbsp ; <td>
    <tr><td> & nbsp ;
    <tr valign="top"><td>Dicuntur tamen defecisse in tertio signo, id est in spiritu sancto quia non posuerunt aliquid respondere spiritui sancto, sicut posuerunt aliquid respondere patri, scilicet ipsum primum principium, et aliquid respondere filio, scilicet primam mentem creatam, quam vocabant paternum intellectum ut Macrobius dicit in libro super somnium Scipionis

  • Add your translations on the right hand side of the upper part of each such divide:

    Uno quidem modo per causalitatem. <td> & nbsp ; <td>One way is by causality.
    <tr><td> & nbsp ;
    <tr valign="top"><td>Quia enim huiusmodi creaturae sunt defectibiles et mutabiles, necesse est eas reducere ad aliquod principium immobile et perfectum. <td> & nbsp ; <td>For because suchlike creatures are defective and mutable, it is necessary to reduce them to something immobile and perfect.
    <tr><td> & nbsp ;
    <tr valign="top"><td>Et secundum hoc cognoscitur de Deo an est. <td> & nbsp ; <td>And according to this it if known of God "whether" [=that!] He is.
    <tr><td> & nbsp ;
    <tr valign="top"><td>Secundo per viam excellentiae. <td> & nbsp ; <td>Next by the way of excellence.

  • How does this look when finished?

    Here is a preview from first paragraphs of the passage:

    Deinde cum dicit quia quod notum est, manifestat propositum, ordine tamen retrogrado. Next, when saying "that which is known", he manifests the meaning, but in reverse order.
    Primo enim consentit quod sapientes gentilium de Deo cognoverunt veritatem; secundo, ostendit quod in eis impietas et iniustitia fuerit, ibi ita ut sint inexcusabiles; tertio quod iram Dei incurrerunt, ibi qui cum iustitiam Dei.  For first he agrees that the wise of the geintiles knew the truth about God; next he shows that there was impiety and injustice in them, in that place "so that they were inexcusable"; thirdly that they incurred the wrath of God in that place "who, having [known] the justice of God" [verse 32 - verses were not yet made for the Bible.]
    Circa primum tria facit.  About the first thing he does three things.
    Primo, quid de Deo cognoverunt; secundo, ostendit a quo huiusmodi cognitionem acceperunt, ibi Deus enim illis; tertio, ostendit per quem modum, ibi invisibilia enim.  First what they knew of God; then, he shows from whom they received suchlike knowledge, in that place "For God hath manifested it to them" (v. 19); thirdly, he shows in what manner, in that place "For the invisible things of him" (v. 20).
    Dicit ergo primo: recte dico quod veritatem Dei detinuerunt, fuit enim in eis, quantum ad aliquid, vera Dei cognitio, quia quod notum est Dei, id est quod cognoscibile est de Deo ab homine per rationem, manifestum est in illis, id est manifestum est eis ex eo quod in illis est, id est ex lumine intrinseco.  Thus he first states: I am right to say that they have detained the truth of God, for there was in them, in respect to something, a true knowledge of God in them, "Because that which is known of God" (v. 19), that is what is knowable about God by man by reason, "is manifest in them" (v. 19), that is it is manifest to them from what is in them, that is from their interior light.

    This will be made available in more detail and in context on my blog Creation vs. Evolution when writing about Roman 1:20 and Richard Dawkins. The Latin text is from:

    Corpus Thomisticum
    Commentaria in Romanus caput 1, lectio 6

  • How and why you do such a translation?

    The how is about knowing the language. In this case Medieval Latin.

    The why is about finding for instance St Thomas Aquinas' commentary to the Epistle to the Romans (here is from his lectio 6 to chapter 1) online in Medieval Latin and not having a clue where or if at all one English translation thereof is available even in print.

    And of course finding something which an author not in Modern English online has said more appropriately than the authors that are available in that format. But once you start looking at St Thomas Aquinas (or some other author from the ages of faith which were also the true ages of reason), and comparing what he has to say to what is available that is not a problem.

    Hans-Georg Lundahl
    Nanterre UL
    St John Bosco
    Founder of Salesians
    and of Institute of Daughters
    of Mary Help of Christians

Update, St Matthias Day, here are the tables or rather the posts that include them:

Creation vs. Evolution : Romans 1:20 and Dawkins, Richard

Origen also made a Commentary on Romans, including of course 1:19 and 1:20

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Instructions about Printing

Not limited to Rick DeLano, though originally posted on his wall.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I would be a bit more interested in reprints, but reposts are not bad either, especially with links to my original post.
Rick DeLano
Publishing in print, alas, is not something I am presently equipped to undertake, but that may change in the future.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
A little note on further use conditions

Those are the conditions. Now, you may not have a press, but you might have:

  • computer with both internet and word and connexion to a printer
  • a neighbourhood with a photo copy service.

In that case you are as equipped as I was for the actual printing I did in 2011. Alas I could NOT get any very good shape when trying to bookbind without knife or table just with needle and thread in the street. Ask Hyoo Mikdonalad about the result.
Rick DeLano
Hans-Georg Lundahl
I don't know if you have bought the kind of old fashioned paperback books in which you have to cut pages open. I have, and I have studied folding of paper as it applies to this. If you fold once, you have four pages on a printed sheet, no cutting. If you fold twice, eight pages, you cut only on top, and if you fold three times, 16 pp. you cut the tops and some of the sides as well.

Now, in order to get the pages where you want, there are some things to observe:

  • deciding how much each printing sheet is folded, obviously
  • knowing what pages to put side by side on the printing sheet so the right ones are side by side in the final result (big hint: not exactly same ones);
  • knowing how much you diminish each page from A4 as it comes from the printer of your computer to the part it has in the folds and writing the pages sufficiently big to start with (meaning you copy from blog, put text on word, mark all, augment size to 14 or even 20 points).

For two folds per sheet, assuming you start a sheet with page 1 (which you can if it is the second sheet and the first is numerated in Roman Numerals after the title page and it contains a foreword and an index), the first sheet would have pages joined like this:

  • 8-1
  • 2-7
  • 6-3
  • 4-5

Then the diminished page with 8-1 side by side is joined to that with 4-5 top to top and similarily for the pages between 1 and 4, between 5 and 8.

And 9 to 16 of course go as 1 to 8, meaning you start off the next (and continue):

  • 16-9
  • 10-15
  • 14-11
  • 12-13

The copy machine is on A3 > A4 during the operation. Both when 16-9 (each a separate A4 from the printer) are joined to one A4 and when 16-9 is joined to 12-13. When it comes to joining the two sides of a printing sheet, it is of course not A3 > A4, but recto/verso copying.

When you have all the rectos and all the versos of all the printing sheets with all the original pages from the word document, obviously you decide how many double sided copies you want and from there print them and after that start folding.
Recto or outfold before any folding
Verso or infold before any folding
Outfold after first fold
New infold after first fold
English text/Texte français
Here is the right position before folding it.
Voici la bonne position avant de tout plier.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What shall we eat if the champagne takes all the space in the fridge?

I came across a review which referred to much visited videos and sites (more than one million in 2013) and one of these posed problems like "which Ferrari shall we take in the morning" (on which I have no tip to give at all) or ... see the heading ... "what shall we eat if the champagne takes all the space in the fridge?"

My tip in such a situation (if that were to be my responsibility ever), would be to rely on foods that do not need refrigeration.

Bread from the next baker. Cheese (people with a fridge full of champagne can not only afford expensive nice blue ones - which are also called green ones - but do so in a pretty good quantity). Pâtés that are opened from a can needing no fridge. Some of them include sherry and greeen pepper in the making and will certainly not be too little classy for the party.

If anything is left over, obviously there will be less champagne bottles in the fridge by then and refrigerating the leftovers (if such) will be no problem.

Caviare might be more troublesome, since it would seem to be something needing chill while on the table. But, as said, it is not the only alternative.

Olives and cucumbers will do nice as set-offs to the pâté. Even salad and tomatoes might have a thing to tell the green cheese.

I am of course presuming you discover the fridge has no more room left when champagne bottles are taken care of while shops around the block are still open. If the discovery comes at 23 h next New Years Eve, I have frankly no idea how to solve that one.

And no, I am not looking for a job as "Jeeves" ...

But if I might give an aspiring "Wooster" a tip, here it is. Oh, for desserts, whipped cream would in such a situation be nearly as impossible as caviare, but canned fruits can do without it too. I have even known fresh fruit to be turned into a great dessert (it was peaches, but some other fruits may be suitable too) by adding sugar to it, in the last of the red wine. However, the situation just outlined presupposes the drink is champagne, so I think strawberries might be as appropriate as peaches.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bibliothèque Parmentier
Return of Child Jesus
from Egypt